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Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Courses

Program Overview

Taking STEM courses opens a world of opportunity and innovation. In this rapidly evolving technological landscape, STEM fields are at the forefront of pioneering solutions to global challenges, driving technological advancements, and creating future jobs. By immersing yourself in a STEM education, you’re not just acquiring practical, highly sought-after skills but also positioning yourself as a critical thinker and problem solver capable of making significant contributions to society. Our STEM department offers a dynamic and collaborative learning environment to explore your interests and turn your passion into purpose.

Course Options

Courses can be completed through various course delivery methods, including face-to-face, hybrid, or online.​ Course delivery methods change on a semester basis. Please check the current Course Schedule for the most up-to-date information.​

Many of these courses fulfill Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC) requirements and graduation requirements for program majors. Review the catalog for course requirements.

Biochemistry Courses


Biochemistry is the study of the structure, composition, and chemical reactions of substances in living systems. Biochemistry became a separate discipline when biology was combined with organic, inorganic, or physical chemistry and studies such topics as how living things obtain energy from food, the chemical basis of heredity, and what fundamental changes occur in disease.

Biochemistry includes the sciences of molecular biology; immunochemistry; neurochemistry; and bioinorganic, bioorganic, and biophysical chemistry. Biochemistry has a wide range of applications which can be applied to fields such as medicine, agriculture, toxicology, and engineering to name a few.

Biochemists often work in modern research laboratories and participate in stimulating, creative work. Often they interact with scientists from other fields because their research is intertwined. The application of Biochemistry to other fields focuses on improving the quality of life. Opportunities for employment in this field are expected to grow in industry, medicine, and genetic research.

Biochemistry courses fulfill Minnesota Transfer Curriculum requirements and graduation requirements.

For more information on the Associate of​ Arts degree and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum:

View all Bio​​chemistry​ Courses and Descriptions

​​​​Biology Courses


The Biology department provides high quality educational experiences in the biological sciences including: environmental science, general biology for majors and non-majors, microbiology, nutrition, medical terminology, introduction to forensic science, biology of men and women, and human anatomy and physiology for majors and non-majors.

The faculty believe biology occupies a central position in the physical sciences and that an understanding of fundamental bio​​logical principles enables students to make better-informed decisions for work and life roles. The Biology faculty promote active learning in lecture and lab activities interacting closely with students at various levels of academic development.

Biology courses serve the College and students by providing offerings that satisfy requirements for general education, allied health and pre-professional transfer programs. Biology faculty are committed to excellence in teaching and scholarship offering traditional and online courses and providing a variety of lab/field experiences and online applications. 

For more information on the Associate of Arts degree, the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and the Biology Associate in Arts Degree:

View all Biol​ogy Courses and Descriptions​​

Chemistry Courses


The Chemistry Department offers courses that provide an understanding of chemical principles across the discipline.​

The chemistry faculty believe that an​ understanding of fundamental chemical principles enables students to make better-informed decisions on a wide variety of issues related to work and life roles. The Chemistry faculty interact closely with students, a diverse population at various levels of academic development, to help them develop capabilities in science and become lifelong learners.​​

Chemistry courses serve the College and students by providing offerings that satisfy requirements for general education, allied health and pre-professional transfer programs.

For more information on the Associate of Arts degree, the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum and the Chemistry Associate in Science degree:

View all Chemistry Courses and Descriptions

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Mathematics Courses


The study of mathematics provides foundational knowledge for understan​ding other disciplines, as well as logical reasoning and problem solving skills for work and life role​s.

The department offers a full curriculum to meet the educational needs of our students such as developmental ​offerings, ma​thematics courses specific to majors and a range of general education courses including Statistics, Liberal Arts Math, College Algebra, Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1, 2, and 3, and Ordinary Differential Equations.

Courses fulfill Minnesota Transfer Curriculum requirements and graduation requirements.

For more information on the Associate of Arts degree and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum:

Vie​w all Mathematics​ Courses and Descriptions

​​​​​​​​​​​Natural Sciences Courses


The Natural Sciences department offers courses across the curriculum in the areas of earth science, geology, oceanography, meteorology, natural disasters, descriptive astronomy, introduction to energy and the environment, contemporary issues in science and Minnesota Geology.

Natural Science courses fulfill Goals 3, 9 and 10 of the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum, as well as for graduation requirements in a number of program majors.

For more information on the Associate of Arts degree and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum:

View all Natural Sciences Courses and Descriptions

​​​​​​​Physics ​Courses


The study of Physics involves the stu​dy of matter and motion, energy and forces. 

The department offers Principles of Physics 1 and 2 as well as General Physics 1 and 2 with a calculus base. 

Students enroll in physics courses to fulfill Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal requirements and graduation requirements.

For more information on the Associate of Arts degree and the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum:

View all Physics Courses and Descriptions